This is a brief Manual on how to apply mental focusing, mental releasing and metaphysical ideas about attractor-energy-fields to athletes, sports pros and to win games and matches.
1. Visualization of Physical Movements and Success
In academic field studies it has been verified time and time again that you can improve your performance by not only physically training but adding mental visualization to your routine. As a Basketball player you would then imagine yourself throwing the Ball from many different positions and making the basket again and again and again. As a golf player you would imagine ideal body movements, the ideal swing and in your imagination you would hear the ideal clonk of the Ball, feel how it was struck just right and see it land near or in the hole. As a soccer player you would enter your Imagination to feel and see how your pass is just perfect or how if you’re a striker you shoot goals again and again and again from every possible position and if you’re a defender how you ward off even the quickest strikers. Similar applies to every other type of sports: You imagine the right body movements, the right behaviour and the achievement of the aim, the preferred end result. If you’re a professional swimmer that end result may involve a certain figure on a clock. In almost any sports it will involve the cheering of crowds. Your results, no matter where or who you are, will improve dramatically.
Once you have made a routine of mental visualisation there are ways you can intensify its effects on your body, mind and reality. By adding three-dimensionality and emotion into the mix the imprint your visualisation has on the subconscious and, by energy-fields on physical reality and other players, increases. So when visualising that cheering crowd, allow yourself to really feel what it would feel like if that situation were real here and now. Tell yourself you are not visualizing in order to make something happen later but in order to experience something right here and now, the moment you are visualizing it. At the peak of excitement, let go of visualizing, just forget about it. If doing it in this way you have just accumulated energy without releasing it. You will be able to carry that energy into the match.
Allow this to be fun and pleasant. If your physical exercise is tough and hardening, allow Visualization to be a little retreat and vacation from that, a soft basking in the beauty of the activity. How long you visualize is a matter of personal preference. Some do it for 5 minutes before every match, some for 30 minutes. Some do it every day, some once a month. If you become practiced in this you will find the timing that is right for you.
In professional sports almost everyone is in good physical shape and ready to give it all. That puts everyone on a similar level of performance. What makes the difference then is the mental and emotional state…what one was thinking prior to the match and what one is thinking during the match. Imagination of success tunes your spirit, mind and body. It makes your subconscious take over your physical body and movements in unexpected ways. You may think you got lucky with a good reflex movement or a fantastic coincidence but that was actually the fruit of how you programmed yourself and your mind. You can actually also improve the movement of your body not only by physical adjustment but also by imagining the correct movement repeatedly. Take note of the erratic movement or behaviour you would like to get rid of or overcome. Then think about which movement you want in place of that. And then imagine that movement more intensely and repeatedly. You can also adjust movement habits as described in the section that follows.
2. Breaking Movement Habits
It’s easy to fall into specific habits of moving because we try to create automatic behaviours for success. However, not everything we do on automatic leads to success. Every professional athlete is familiar with regretting having made certain movements, where it seems as if they had no choice, as if they had made that movement without their consent. A fantastic technique to break unwanted habits is as follows:
1. Deliberately Mimic the unwanted movement
Rather than having the unwanted movement show up automatically, unwittingly, suddenly, take it “into your hands” and mimic or copy the movement intentionally. This removes it from subconscious behavior into conscious behavior. For this you will have to remember the last time you did the unwanted movement. And then physically copy it as best you can.
2. Deliberately Act Out the wanted movement
Then you’ll have to think about what movement you want in place of that and act that movement out as best you can.
3. Alternate back and forth between the unwanted and the wanted
In order to gain more control over your movements and rule out any possibility of it ever happening again subconsciously, go back and forth between doing the old movement and the new movement. Turn on the unwanted, then turn on the wanted, over and over until you have regained full control.
4. Practice this during Competition
It is one thing to be able to do this in practice and a whole other level to do it “in the real situation”. Take the exercise out onto the Field or out into the Arena. If you feel confident enough, only practice the wanted movement on match. If you have not yet fully mastered the issue then practice deliberately doing the unwanted to some extent (to an extent it will not jeopardize your team if you do team sports).
Examples of the Alternating-Technique for various movement problems.
Have your neck be too stiff
Have your neck be loose
Alternate several times until the issue is under your conscious control
Do a sloppy puck pass.
Do a clean puck pass.
Alternate several times until the issue is under your conscious control.
Flinch and retreat at the opponent
Stand your ground
Alternate several times until the issue is under your conscious control.
Loose concentration at a crucial moment
Keep concentration at a crucial moment
Alternate several times until the issue is under your conscious control.
Hit the tennis ball awkwardly every time the opponent puts you under pressure in a certain way.
Hit the tennis ball pointedly every time the opponent put you under pressure in a certain way.
Alternate several times until the issue is under your conscious control.
3. Remote Sensing and Anticipation
When a professional athlete knows something before it happens they don’t call this “Precognition” or “Extrasensory Perception” (which it is) because society is shy of using esoteric expressions to describe things that are happening. So they use words such as “Anticipation” as in “he anticipated the ball would come that way” or “he had the feeling for it”. It is this ability for Remote Sensing that separates the Pros from the Superstars. Superstars would not be Superstars if they didn’t accomplish feats that appear magical, yes almost impossible. Remote Sensing applies less to solo sports such as Golf and Swimming but to competitive sports and team sports. In team sports you have to “remote sense”…
- Where on the playing field the other players are
- What they are about to do
Teams that know each other very well or have a “good vibe” with each other will more likely be able to sense. And if they do, the to the audience they look quick, classy, proactive, while teams that do not have it appear sluggish, awkward and reactive. For your remote sensing to work properly you have to acknowledge that it exists. All so-called Superstars know it exists whether they publicly admit it or not. Some of them know that it exists but don’t have a word for it. It’s a concept they are half-conscious of and apply but they have never expressed it or made a teaching of it. In interviews you will hear them say:
“I just knew he was going to go there”
“I guess I was at the right place at the right time”
“It was a magic moment. I could just sense the ball would come there”
“I don’t know, I just happen to be at the right places”
They know what is going on half-consciously. That is, they don’t know but somehow they do. Others are completely aware of the ability and know that it depends on their wakefulness and nothing more. A sense of concentration, awareness, wakefulness, and having your attention spread across the field is what facilitates this ability. It makes a difference whether your attention is preoccupied with yourself, preoccupied with the opponent, or (unfortunately) preoccupied with events outside of the game, or whether your attention is with the flow of the game in its entirety. If you are connected with your heart to what is going on here and now, with everything that is happening in your surroundings, you will sense. The more energy and power you have, the more you are able to have your attention embrace the entire game, the entire opposing team, your own team and the goal of the game. Your attention thus free (and not stuck on something that happened before the game, not stuck on fear of loosing, not stuck on having to win, not stuck on anything), you sense what is going on and what is going to happen in a few seconds from now. Somehow you just know that your team mate is only faking a pass to the right and so you run to the left. Somehow you just know that the ball is not going to come your direction so you run somewhere else. Somehow you just know that the ball will right there and you stand there before it does. Somehow you just know that your opponent will strike over there, so (depending on the sports) you either move out of the way or occupy that space. Provided that you are physically fit, you can develop Superawareness. You cannot have Superawareness in a state of exhaustion. That is another reason, physical fitness is important. Someone who is running on his last reserve batteries cannot rev up any sort of extrasensory awareness or “Anticipation”.
Faking certain manoeuvres in order to deceive the opponent is the art of masking yourself to the Remote Sensing abilities of your opponent. You have to be a good actor or, in a sense, a good liar to be able to fake in competitive matches. Imagine for example playing table tennis. Fully intend to shoot the next ball to the right side. Your opponent will “remote sense” your Intention. Your eye pupils may also subtly go to the right side which your opponent, if he is good, will pick up. And then, in a split second, quicker than anyone can comprehend, shoot the ball to the left side. Radically reverse your intention. See what happened? You caught your opponent completely off-guard. Playing beach volleyball, keep shooting the ball to the same place, over and over and over again until your opponent gets used to it. At the appropriate moment fake playing it there once again and change direction. If your opponent is more awake than that you can do a double fake, meaning you fake that you will fake it but then play it to the same place once again. Of course, the more pro you are, the more chains-of-fakery you are able to implement.
4. Action and Reaction
A successful state is one in which opponents are reacting to you rather than you to them. An opponent would like to force you into a reactive state so that he or she can dominate the game. You would like to initiate action so that you can determine the game. Of course its possible to win a game even if you are in reactive mode – by cunning skill or a lucky strike – but your odds of success are significantly higher if you are in control of the game (which implies control of the outcome). And so they say “attack is the best defense” and “if he strikes you, strike him ten times back”. Being more active than reactive does not mean being more offensive than defensive – do not mistake the two ideas. You can also be pro-active in the defense of any team sports by jumping into action before the other side does. Staying on the pro-active side of things is a matter of being quicker, more awake, more anticipating, more skilled, physically more fit, more eager to initiate. In case you loose the pro-active side it should be your first priority to gain it back as quickly as possible. This manner of doing any sports certainly costs more energy than “letting the other side come on” but it almost guarantees more victories than losses. Sometimes two teams or players are so good that they neutralize each other. As audience you will then either see a mighty entertaining battle for the upper hand or a very boring game in which neither takes control. In those cases games are decided not by the team but by certain moments in which individual players broke through the spell and moved forward.
A match in which it is expected that neither side can take control can also be dominated by tactics and more subtle joys not seen by the common audience. Such games then become practices in patience and persistence rather than action and reaction. So in the cases you feel you are not able to take initiative and control of the game, do what you can do with persistence. Upkeep the energy Upkeep the focus. That’s what competitive sports is all about: Who can keep focus longer? Who can vibrate a certain type of energy longer? Those unfamiliar with the idea that there even is such a thing as “energy” or “vibrations” governing all of reality will likely not be able to compete on a very high level because they don’t even understand the basic building blocks of the Universe. If you look closely at who the famous sports people of the ages were you will scarcely find one who was unfamiliar with at least basic metaphysical or spiritual understanding.
5. The Power of Focus
If I can uphold and maintain my focus longer than my opponent he will eventually falter and go into reaction. Reaction to what? To my maintained focus. Victory belongs to those who can maintain focus the longest and strongest. There is nothing else to it. In world champion type competitions the audience can see and feel that its all about concentration – loose it only once and it could mean a mistake that your opponent uses (unless he has lost concentration too). It can be only one second of inattentiveness that decide whether you will win Olympic Gold or not. With runners it is often even less than a second that is decisive. Imagine that…less than a second. That is the type of power required to perform high and that power is mental. If you will, concentrate on some object of your choice for a moment. So how long could you upkeep that concentration? 10 seconds? 30 seconds? 3 minutes? 60 minutes? Truth be told, no human can maintain full and clear concentration on one thing for 60 minutes. It is possible to stay relatively concentrated that long but there will always be lapses, blackouts and times where your mind drifts and wanders. In high-performance sports your opponents are waiting on your moment of blackout, on your moment of wandering thought.
Can you practice the ability to focus? Of course you can, for example with what we just did. But if you are a professional athlete you already practice focusing with every match, every game, every competition, every training, every practice.
Mental Focus can also override and even disappear physical pain. A Marathon Runner who is physically suffering can, by focussing on the goal or on relaxing and cooling his body or by refusing to give in to the pain, overcome it in order to keep going.
6. Summoning the Power of the Universe
Professional athletes are seen applying all kinds of prayers, magic spells, lucky charms, odd rituals to invoke the Power of the Universe. And that’s a good thing, not only psychologically but actually. What most people consider “superstitious nonsense” is actually an added benefit to ones performance. The Force that created all the Universes and Worlds is so powerful that it can easily create an increase in the athletes performance. Thanking the infinite and most High for that extra energy is a good thing to do. Pray not as an act of begging but as an act of gratitude. Pray not in an attitude of fear but in a statement of Decisiveness.
As for your rituals, develop your own. I know an ice-hockey coach who, once on a winning-streak, does not change his clothes or the entirety of that streak. They are his “winning clothes”. He will put on the exact same clothes for every game for as long as that winning streak endures. We may not understand his reasoning rationally. Such behaviors follow the logic of the non-linear realm, spiritual logic.
A soccer player I have been watching always touches the cross on his necklace right after scoring a goal. What he is doing is charging the cross with energy – his own, that of the cheering audience and of the exciting moment. He keeps doing that – something fantastic happens and he touches his cross. Then, one day, his team is in trouble and in urgent need of a goal. There are only a few more second to play and there is a corner kick. For the first time I see him touch his cross prior to the goal. He is now using the cross not to charge it but as an anchor to remind him of all the great moments before. And it works. He has loaded and charged up the cross so many times before, now the cross is loading and charging him up. And by God, does he ever shoot that decisive goal, a stunning long distance shot from way outside the penalty area.
This was a brief overview on some of the “secrets” of high-performance sports. I trust you enjoyed it. If you experienced positive effects because of the information contained herein, I’d appreciate your Feedback about it.
I recommend my Guided-Meditation “Sports Match Preparation” which is available as a downloadable audio-file at for anyone who wants to tune into success before an important match.