In various places throughout the works of Unarius, great emphasis has been placed upon the concept of obsession, and because of its importance to us in our daily lives and our future evolution, it might be well at this time to enter into some more extensive and technical aspects of this all-important subject.
No doubt all of you have at one time or another, seen pictures such as TV or motion pictures depicting witch doctors or medicine men adorned with sundry feathers, beads, and trappings, who were shaking bells or rattles and other numerous noisy instruments, and were dancing around some sick person in an attempt to scare out the evil spirit or spirits which were obsessing this person.
The man of medicine or the psychiatrist of our civilization does not recognize this type of obsession. There are, psychologically speaking, certain kinds or classifications of obsessions which are more purely related to the general subconscious terminology of pure psychology, in a sense, that they are obsessive thought-forms.
So far as the witch doctor or the medicine man is concerned, he is perhaps, in one respect, more intelligent than is the doctor or the psychologist; for while both of these individuals may be right and wrong, neither of them has entered into the more purely interdimensional aspects of what they are trying to do. While the witch doctor is right in recognizing the spiritual obsessions, he is very unrealistic in trying to frighten the obsessing entities from out of the body of the sick man by making weird sounds.
Likewise, the psychologist or the doctor in our modern medicine is equally ignorant of the various fourth-dimensional aspects of his present-day practice. He cannot and does not have sufficient insight into these numerous interdimensional factors to make a relative and conclusive psychology in our present-day dispensations.
To understand obsessions means that we have to carry our introspection far beyond the point of the very primitive aspects of the medicine man, or the witch doctor. An obsession can be said to be any kind of a thought form or a compulsion which, seemingly without rhyme or reason, makes any individual a victim of the various expressions in attempting to reenact whatever constitutes this particular obsession.
In a pure and more general classification therefore, it can be safely said that all things which mankind does are, in themselves, technically speaking, obsessions. The obsessive thought of death creates in man many obscure compulsions as well as some of the more factual continuities whereby life can be sustained on the surface of this planet earth. The fear of death does relate man to many processes of his physical life which are obsessive, because they have, as their common source, the fear of death which is unrelated in a pure sense, since death does not exist. When a man has developed the consciousness to exist in spiritual worlds without the body, then the compulsion of death will cease to exist.
Therefore, the numerous obsessive thought forms which are always, directly or indirectly, related to death will consequently cease to exist. Obsessions also can run the gamut, so to speak, of various astral entities which are people without physical bodies, who have, in some way, succeeded through vibration in connecting themselves to various people or groups of people in this present day.
All people who are living in the world today, just as people who have lived in the past, can be said to be obsessed to some more or less degree by these diverse spiritual entities that inhabit the astral worlds which are part of these fourth dimensional or interdimensional aspects about us. The fact that these spiritual entities cannot be seen or sensed by most people does not mean that they do not exist. We know that a TV transmitter can transmit or radiate into the surrounding atmosphere a certain waveform that carries sound and picture, and it can be interpreted by the TV set in such a manner and form that it becomes a realism in our minds when we watch this re-enactment.
Therefore, an obsession must be reduced in the way and manner in which it expresses itself; whether it is an astral entity, or whether it is an obsessive thought form, is therefore reducible to the pure scientific concept that it is a radiated form of expression which succeeds, through the correct attunement, in manifesting itself into our consciousness. The principles of science, as they are related to vibration, attunement, and harmonic interplay are just as valid and valuable to us here in this aspect as they are in any other relationship of science and how these aspects assert themselves as part of our daily lives.
If a woman goes to a psychiatrist and says, “I am all upset and need help,” he will, therefore, try to analyze this woman based on psychosomatic medicine. He will suggest to her that she go back, mentally, into her childhood and bring out the most important of these various fears which were incurred in these childish years. The woman says that at that time she became very frightened of a mouse; that is, the little animal ran out from under the sofa, across her legs and sent her into hysterics. The psychiatrist will then try to explain that this is a syndrome; in other words, her entire subconscious tense, the numerous fears and other obsessive forms of psychic happenings within her subconscious were based and primarily motivated by this mouse happening.
But this analysis is not valid and is quite likely to have very little if any effect upon this woman in solving her problem. This is because the psychiatrist or the psychologist did not know that this mouse episode had a continuity; the little mouse itself was only autosuggestive of various other happenings which had transpired in this woman’s life and in diverse other lifetimes, going back perhaps many thousands of years. The mouse, therefore, represented lions, tigers, and sundry other ferocious carnivorous animals which had, in previous lifetimes, destroyed her, or they had killed and eaten her relatives, or in many ways, manners, and forms had created very terrifying episodes in these former lifetimes.
The little mouse, for the moment, became the psychic representation of all these animals and it can be easily seen how this little mouse could, therefore, reimpose fear in the consciousness of the child to the point where she became hysterical. In future years in the life of this woman, different aspects of her life would be conversely intimidated by this fear aspect which has been reinstated within her consciousness; because now there was a direct subconscious continuity with all of these various other different animal experiences in past lifetimes.
All people today, universally speaking, have more or less of a fear of snakes. The fear of snakes is even more rampant or generally accepted among people than diverse other types of deeply rooted subconscious fears. This is because snakes not only represent a certain destructive transpiring episode in previous lifetimes in different similar continuities, as with the woman and the mouse; inasmuch as the snakes could have bitten and poisoned many people, or that boa constrictors or pythons or other constrictive types of snakes could have killed these people; but even more important is the religious aspect.
In all past religions, universally speaking, the symbol of the serpent was the dominant spiritual symbol used by the priesthood in the various religious cultisms and in their numerous observances which were practiced by these sundry cults. Some of these observances or rituals were horrible beyond description, and no doubt left a great psychic fear within the psychic anatomy of most of the people who are presently living on the earth today and which largely accounts for their deeply rooted subconscious fear of the serpent.
So, you see, whatever it is in whatever aspect with which we are so concerned, there is a direct continuity with the past, whether it is in the more immediate present lifetime or that it continues back for thousands of years in hundreds of lifetimes, it makes little or no difference. The subconscious or inverted fear is there nevertheless and cannot be corrected until we uproot it and bring it out into the light of introspection and analyze it for what it is. In this analysis, we, therefore, generate out of phase waveforms with the present tense which will largely cancel out the more dominant fear which is so subconsciously immersed. Yes, it can be said that no one is without these fears.
Almost all people will, at some time or another, cross their fingers or resort to various other little mental devices which can be considered superstitious in nature, but which are largely founded upon this same psychic inversion which carries them on back in different continuities into many previous lifetimes where these numerous expressive forms were much more largely used and more completely expressed as part of their daily lives than they are in the present tense. Crossing the fingers, for instance, is one of those little things which people used to relate them back into times when, as part of their religions in previous lifetimes, they put their fingers together because they believed this would in some way short circuit the energies which came to them from the astral worlds or that they would be able to short circuit or cancel out, so to speak, some of the obsessive astral entity waveforms which came to them; even though they did not understand energy as a waveform, the similarity of this expression nevertheless existed.
The Yogi, the Chinaman, and various other peoples of the Eastern worlds still use this same expression, in their daily lives, and it is a common sight in the Orient to see people going about in their daily walks of life with their fingers crossed, because it is simply a way of life in which they have somehow subconsciously learned, as they believe, to protect themselves. However, these devices have little or no value whatsoever, except in the general frame of reference that people believe in them.
In some more ultimate day of your evolution, you will arrive at that point where you can resolve all continuities and life expressions on a more general mental plane; that is, the mind becomes a functioning integral unit of expression, which can be used much more thoroughly and much more efficaciously than many of the numerous other implementations which you use in your present-day life expression. It will also be said that in that future day, the various obsessive energy waveforms which have stemmed into your present-day consciousness from out of the past, will be either largely or completely dissolved. They will have become known to you in the general sense that you can see they are the more primitive aspects of your life which developed the numerous symbologies which were used either superstitiously or in a cultic manner.
In this respect, religion itself, whether Christian or otherwise, is just as obsessive as any other factor of relationship under which the present-day earth man lives; for religion is not scientifically related to the future in a sense that it can be actually resolved as something which will tangibly and realistically live in people’s lives. It is only something which they vaguely hope for, sort of a Utopian existence which will relieve them from their present-day sense of care, worry, and other daily concerns.
Religion is also a direct continuity into past lifetimes in numerous other cultists expressions that have similar forms or appearances of deistic expressions and subsequent symbologies in the various races of people who have inhabited this world. Almost all people living today have lived in these numerous past civilizations, such as Rome, Carthage, Egypt, Greece, the more ancient Chinese and Hindu cultures, and different other civilizations that have not even been unearthed or recorded in our present-day history and anthropology.
In all cases where we analyze these diverse expressive forms of life as we live them today, whether they are merely the subconscious automation such as breathing, peristalsis of the bowels, etc., or whether they are superstitious beliefs, they can all be universally resolved into the original and dominant principle of life, that is, they are merely like the TV transmitter forms or continuities of waveforms of expression which are reflected from the psychic anatomy.
When you study and begin to understand the diagrams and descriptions as they are given to you in your second lesson course, then you will possess the greatest secret of all; and one which is being so strenuously sought by the present-day men of science and medicine – how man lives and of what life really consists, in its various expressive forms and continuities in the world about you – merely resurgent energy waveforms which are beating in a never-ending, never-ceasing pulsation into your consciousness; energy waveforms which were actual experiences through which you lived in your past lifetimes. Today in this present life, they exist as vague unrelated or even superstitious expressions. They may exist as your religion, they may exist as various expressive forms of medicine or psychology; or they may just exist without any related reason which you may seek to find unless you carry this continuity back into your many past lifetimes.
Therefore, in your day by day analysis of whatever you are, and why you are what you are, and why you act the way you do, you must always realize that these different expressions are merely continuities from these numerous past lifetimes in which you have lived through these experiences which are presently causing you some concern or in various other different attitudes and interplays of life expressions, that all of these forms do reside in your consciousness as of today. They will manifest and manifest themselves in the many unrelated and seemingly intangible ways until you can thoroughly understand them and analyze them. On this basis then, you can say that they are obsessive. They will cause you to do many queer and seemingly unintelligent things that do not apparently have any purpose for their existence or their commission.
Even life itself, as it is lived by the physical man on this planet earth, will, in a sense, become a vast and unrelated delusion when we can see man living in higher spiritual worlds without the body; we can only reasonably suppose or evaluate this condition when we take into our consciousness a great principle of life as it is expressed by the Infinite. That is, the Infinite is constantly becoming more infinite by regenerating Itself in ever-increasing numbers, manners, and forms of expression. This is done through the various interdimensional energy waveforms as have been so thoroughly explained to you in different texts. The usefulness and the purpose, therefore, becomes clearly apparent out of all this chaos when this principle is understood: man is an evolutionary entity of intelligence re-expressing himself in whatever particular dimension to which he is so related at that particular time.
In this sense then, each individual carries either a smaller or a larger portion of the many different life expressions, as he manifests himself in his various life by life associations in different epochs of time. The continuities of these numerous expressive forms can, therefore, be correctly assumed to be obsessive in nature; they not only can form the destructive potentials of his life, since they are seemingly unrelated to him in his present tense, but they can also form the most constructive part of his life.
In fact, when we look at the fear of death, it is, conversely speaking, the dominant and constructive obsession which keeps man in his evolutionary pattern upon the face of this planet from life to life into some future day, when he can begin to recognize the spiritual elements of this interdimensional principle which we have expressed to you.
Fear in itself, in whatever manner or form it is related to you, or to any person, is something which is not immediately or consciously related to the various aspects of daily life. However fear, while it is said, to be a destructive or a coercive force, is not necessarily so but can actually form the libido or the driving force in every person’s life, and will so continuously reassert itself until intelligence can begin to take its place and life can be continued on into the future in a more realistic manner and form without the necessary urgency of some or many dominant fears which are submerged in the subconscious.
The future psychology and psychiatry of the world as it concerns mankind, will, if it is to become constructive and valid in solving man’s various mental and physical differences, have to be a much more extended psychosomatic medicine than presently exists. Instead of going back into the childish formative period in a person’s life, the psychiatrist or the analyst will have to continue on back into many hundreds of lifetimes. The person involved will have to be given some sort of a correct summation of life as it is presently appearing in his surface everyday life; it is the general conflux of the reassertion of many different kinds of life experiences through which he has previously passed. These various life forms are presently reasserting themselves as direct continuities of waveform expressions that stem from the psychic anatomy.
When these principles are thoroughly understood and the psychiatrist (or analyst) can practice this extended psychosomatic medicine, he will really and truly be casting out evil spirits. He will be doing what the witch doctor or the medicine man tried to do by dancing and shaking rattles; he will in effect be doing what Jesus did 2000 years ago when He cast out evil spirits from numerous people who came to Him. He will be actually giving a new lease on life to every person who comes to him.
The practice of witchcraft as it has been previously or even presently expressed is not condoned; it is unrealistic and does not involve all of the factors associated with various kinds of expressions, but it is also invalid on the basis it is only that which is transpiring in the more immediate present. Disease in itself, whether it is physical or mental is only the general conflux, as it were, of many different negative expressions from previous lifetimes which are manifesting themselves in the present circumstances of various parallaxes or junctions of these different negative expressions to the extent and degree that they can break down the physical anatomy and obstruct the natural mental functions of the individual.
These obsessive forms or obsessive expressions of life, do not necessarily always have to include such fixed pictures as they may reside in astral entities; they can be numerous daily life happenings in previous lifetimes of any individual, wherein he did live and reexpress from day to day these various life continuities. The fact remains that so far as the future is concerned – and the future can be considered a cyclic pattern – anything which happened in the past, does in this future become unrelated to it in a sense that we are concerned with certain positive and negative expressions in these cyclic manifestations. While life could have been lived as an actual reality of the past and did not have any particular adverse effect upon the individual at that time, that same life superimposed in a subconscious way in the present could be very destructive to the individual, simply because it was out of phase or out of attunement, as it were, with the present; even though the individual may be living the same kind of a life, but in a re-expressed form or continuity makes no difference whatsoever. We are concerned here primarily with the expressive continuity of these life expressions as they reinsert themselves in cyclic forms. The subsequent differences as they manifest themselves as being adverse, are so in the sense that their polarities are changed to the present, or to some future life which will be lived by this individual.
A more general abstraction could consist of viewing the Infinite in a more interdimensional manner, and as the Infinite is living and regenerating Itself, it cannot, therefore, be assumed that so far as our consciousness is concerned we could put our fingers on the Infinite at any time or place and get the same picture when we lifted our fingers and put them down in a different place. In effect, so far as our mind is concerned, we are literally doing this very thing. We are lifting our fingers, so to speak, when we pass from this world, and when we are being reborn again into the physical world, we put our fingers down on the Infinite in respect to the fact that we are again assuming the direct continuity of the physical life.
However, during that interval, we shall say, when our fingers were lifted or that our mental consciousness was suspended from the earth life, the Infinite, in Its respect to us, changed completely; therefore when we tried to continue living the physical or earth life in a new reborn condition, we found that all of these many life expressions were, to a large degree, out of phase to the present. It was our problem than to take these various past life experiences and to reform them or to reshape them into the present lifetime expression as a direct continuity of life. In this respect we developed a new portion of the psychic anatomy, called by the psychologist, the subconscious, which forms a reconstructive entity to the various impounded infractions of different life experiences as they are lived in the present, and which, to some degree, must harmoniously attune themselves to many past life experiences, even though they are now, to some degree, and in some sense, out of attunement with the present despite the fact that the same continuities of life were lived in the past lifetimes. It can be easily seen that this is likely to create some kind of tension, or unrest, or strife with the individual. If this condition is continued on into many lifetimes, it can be reasonably supposed this individual will amass, so to speak, a large number of various negative factors or psychic shocks from his past lives and these become very destructive (literally speaking) in his present lifetime.
When these confluxes are so harmonically attuned or joined together, they can give rise in the physical and mental consciousness of the individual to many different kinds of aberrations. The numerous illnesses, both in medicine and in psychology, which cannot be resolved by our present-day practitioners, and which are called by certain medical terms, can be very easily dissected on this basis; and as they are unwound, so to speak, like a ball of string, can be seen to be formed from these various lifetime continuities from preceding lives which have joined together in an unrelated fashion and manner in the present tense, and cannot be re-expressed by the individual in a normal life continuity.
This will be the basis of the medicine which will be practiced in some future time on the surface of the planet earth; when that time arrives, medical and psychological science will be much more completely serviceable than the present-day medicine and psychology which relates man only to the present. In that future day, too, we can resolve in a scientific and tangible manner, all of the numerous differences, both physical and mental in any individual’s life, not on the basis of some primitive elemental witchcraft, but in a purely scientific manner and form which will completely dissolve these various psychisms which are universally troubling mankind at the present.
Yes, we can even resolve the present cold war on the same basis; that our differences between this country and the great nation across the sea could easily be resolved when it is understood that this was a great parallax of many wars that have happened to mankind in the past. In the more purely esoterical sense, these past wars were not resolved as constructive continuities in the expression of any man or any nation, therefore they reside, so to speak, in the interdimensional form and manner as great negative confluxes. When these many wars were so joined together in the present, by the way, manner, and form in which people live nowadays, they were harmonically attuned to each other making one huge, great parallax or joining of all of these various past wars, and which now hangs like a great black cloud over the face of the earth.
If mankind understood this principle he would be able to very quickly and easily dissolve this great karmic condition. For karma, which it truly is, and as it must be truly seen, is the residual form of any particular energy expression which is lived in some former time and which reasserts itself in the present in an unrelated manner to this present time. War, therefore, is an obsession; it has obsessed individuals and nations since the beginning of man’s evolution upon the surface of the earth. It will continue to do so until mankind understands the Infinite, as a regenerative pattern of energy expressions which must always be related to each other based on positive and negative recurrences, and in such other scientific aspects as have been so thoroughly explained in the various texts of Unarius.
These things must always be so constructively evaluated, not in the sense that they are purely materialistic values, but that the materialistic values as they so appear are only the results of these interdimensional interplays of Infinite Consciousness as they reassert themselves in this Infinite abstraction. We cannot at any time resort to the more primitive expressions as they exist in the world today. Science has no reasonable explanation for the beginning of anything, nor does it have a reasonable explanation for its end; simply because science has not yet related itself to the interdimensional factors.
The same conditions exist in the field of many religious forms as they exist on the surface of the earth; these things too, are all unrelated in themselves since they do not include the necessary scientific factors and aspects of interdimensional consciousness as they are continuously expressed by the great Infinite Intelligence.
Look for the various obsessive forms of consciousness in your daily life and learn to cancel them out on the basis that these things are now unrelated, re-expressive forms appearing in your present-day life from out your many past lifetimes. They will cease to be obsessive and life will become a much more factual continuity of Infinite expression.