The Law of Attraction and Quantum Theory

The law of attraction says himself in a law can not be justified on the basis of falsifiability, ie “the logical possibility that an assertion can be demonstrated as false by an observation or a physical experiment.”  Falsifiability implies that if a certain condition applies to a situation or a person, an inference can be drawn from the same and the same conditions may not apply to all other similar situations or people. For example, a dark-skinned man is Asian. This does not mean that all dark-skinned men are Asian or Asian are all dark skinned. The law of attraction takes a few incidents where people have tasted success, and attempts to apply the same philosophy to all situations.

Judging by many parameters of the scientific evidence of the law is not equal to its coefficient of logic. This means that the claims of the theory can not give an exact relationship between the thought process and results. The relation of cause and effect, as postulated, often overlooked potential deterrents or differences in the circumstances. The theory makes a hypothetical study of human nature and the inference drawn by the frequent and repeated reference a few cases, some of whom may also be coincidental.

modern believers in the law of attraction are of the opinion that the theory originates from quantum physics, in the treatment of thoughts like atoms.
According to the theories of quantum physics, the world is composed of innumerable atoms. Each of these atoms is loaded with energy and is interchangeable, ie they can be used to influence others and are open to endless changes. This explains the sense of dynamism of thought. The law of attraction speaks in similar lines as quantum physics in terms of thought and energy atoms.

Following the example of quantum physics, the law presumes the human mind consists of thoughts. Each of these thoughts are like charged atoms, which can generate enormous power. The law of attraction, proceeding along the lines of quantum physics, says that since energy and matter are interchangeable and can be used to obtain good results, the human mind, which is also open to changes, it helps in the molding of the situations in our lives to shape our reality.

According to quantum physics of atoms have energy and are attracted to atoms with a similar composition of energy. So following this principle, the law of attraction that thoughts like the atoms are attracted to the same kind of thoughts. Therefore, the law of attractions that “like attracts like.” This explains how thoughts of thoughts attract objectives focus on ways to achieve, over time attract thoughts of reaching the goal.

Again, the points of quantum physics that everything that has potential and there is nothing fixed, which means that if our goal is fixed, there are a number of ways to achieve it. Similarly, the law of attractions that if we focus on what we want to achieve, nothing can prevent us from reaching it. Therefore, quantum physics also talks about what the law of attraction called defense of negative thinking through thought.

Although the law of attraction has similarities with quantum physics in many ways, is not a scientific law in the true sense of the term. The law of attraction is more a piece of pseudoscience and a meeting of the spiritual philosophies to measure the power of the human mind. Quantum physics can be considered a practical way to explain what the law of attraction is to spread.

The references to quantum physics made by the law of attraction are mostly incorrect. The proposition that thoughts, like atoms have energy fields is not a fact proven by science. The principles of thought, as assumed by the law of attraction, emphasize certain beliefs that are true in some cases and can be followed as an example. Many of their beliefs have a hypothetical explanation, often magical imagination unite. The law of attraction is mostly refined and pseudoscience has little to do with the actual scientific truth.

Among the spiritual circles, the law of attraction is much criticized for its attempts to keep the individual ego and freedom in the unit with the higher self. The two are contradictory and can not operate in synergy. On the other hand, the law of attraction repeatedly emphasizes the inner consciousness and spiritual integrity makes a generalized statement, but gives the collective mind is the single diversified as most.

The law of attraction refers to the abundance. The theory explains the depth and feeling of happiness. The question is, why the law of attraction (which is capable of resolving any situation), is unable to solve the problem of inequality of wealth? Moreover, the law of attraction is to the abundance, taking into account, there’s plenty for all and all you have to find their share of prosperity. The theory would have us believe in a truth that is almost nonexistent. The law of attraction does not go deep enough to consider societies or cultures in which they can not function the same way.

The law of attraction, no doubt inspiring a theory to address the latent powers of the mind. However, the theory seems all too common and are often lost in the external factors that can not be within reach of the mind.

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