Last Revision: 01.01.2023
Whisper to the Ether
For arcane questions veiled in the cloak of privacy, address your incantations to:
- Email:
What We Gather from the Astral Plane
As you traverse our digital sanctum, we may collect:
- Mundane Offerings: Your name, email
- Ethers of Interaction: IP address, celestial clicks, and arcane scrolls
Why We Summon This Data
The alchemy of your information serves to:
- Weave a more inviting web of user experience
- Cast spells of marketing allure
- Divine the runes of analytics
Sealing Your Data in a Grimoire
Stored in the vaults of cyberspace, your data is bound by eldritch safeguards.
Sharing the Occult Lore
Your offerings are not for sale. Yet, we may consign them to:
- Scribes and seers aiding our magickal mission
- Authorities of earthly law, if so decreed
Cookies and Minor Spirits
Our scrolls employ cookies. Reject their aid, but know that some incantations may falter.
Portals to Other Realms
We link to domains beyond our control. Cross those thresholds with care.
Forbidden to Young Apprentices
This mystical realm is no place for souls under 13 years of age.
Your Mystical Rights
You wield the wand over your data. You may:
- Unveil it
- Alter or banish it
- Bind its purpose
The Evolving Book of Shadows
We may revise this sacred text. Consult it anew under each waxing moon.
The Pact
By traversing, you mark your rune of consent upon this scroll.
The Oracle Awaits
Seek further wisdom? Unseal your questions to